Rockingham booking

We'll find every dollar you deserve
  • Australia's highest-rated tax accountant with 4.9 stars on Google Reviews.

    Australia’s top rated tax accountant with 4.9/5 stars

  • Instant tax lodgment services by experienced online accountants in Australia.

    Instant lodgement with experienced registered tax agents

  • Fast tax refund processing by expert Australian tax accountants.

    Fastest refunds with no up-front fees – get your refund in minutes, not days

  • Tax made easy. Prompt service with great communication and organisation. Contacted on time for appointment with reminders. Tax agent was very professional and efficient with their services. Polite and friendly. No stress and a tax return made enjoyable.
    Daniel McMahon, a client appreciating Accountants Direct for efficient tax return services and professional tax agents in Australia.
    Daniel McMahon
    Rockingham tax team
    In-office face to face appointments. Full instructions emailed after booking.
    Calendly secure booking
    Tax made easy. Prompt service with great communication and organisation. Contacted on time for appointment with reminders. Tax agent was very professional and efficient with their services. Polite and friendly. No stress and a tax return made enjoyable.
    Daniel McMahon, a client appreciating Accountants Direct for efficient tax return services and professional tax agents in Australia.
    Daniel McMahon

    Our Service Is Ideal For...

    Why pay more to an accountant who caters for the big end of town who may charge up to twice as much for the same job. We specialise in tax and accounting at industry leading rates for:

    Individuals and investors

    Remote workers

    Sole traders



    Small Business owners

    Small to mid sized companies and trust

    Family in business together
    our official partners
    Registered tax agent services supporting Accountants Direct in providing online tax accountant solutions in Australia.
    Payou payment solutions partnered with Accountants Direct for streamlined business accountant services online.
    Institute of Public Accountants supporting taxation services offered by Accountants Direct in Australia.
    Australian Tax Office compliance tools utilized by Accountants Direct for tax return accountant services.
    Xero accounting software trusted by Accountants Direct for bookkeeping and tax return services.
    NowInfinity partnered with Accountants Direct to deliver efficient tax and bookkeeping services in Australia.
    Ignition software integrated by Accountants Direct for seamless online tax accountant services in Australia.
    ASIC compliance solutions used by Accountants Direct to support business and taxation accountants in Australia.

    Satisfaction guaranteed

    With Accountants Direct you get your tax done right and the best outcome every time.
    • Best tax outcome

      We’ll find every tax deduction, rebate and concession for you to get the best outcome possible.

    • Double checked for accuracy

      Two experts agents review every tax return before its lodge so you can be confident noting gets missed.

    • 100% accurate calculations

      Our calculations are 100% accurate so your text return will be done right every time.

    • Everything finalised on your mobile

      All “paperwork” finalized via your mobile making the whole process super quick and hassle free!

    • Free audit assistance

      Audit activity is on the rise. We provide up to $2,000 in free relief to all wages and salary clients included in our low Fee.

    • Super-fast process

      Following your appointment we get you to authorize all paperwork via your mobile making the whole process quick and hassle free!