Your business needs a Profit Pro's assessment
Profit Pro's assessment
We complete a full analysis of your current situation and compare the result with a similar healthy business.
New cashflow plan
Then we set targets and lock in an absolutely foolproof way of reaching your profit goals.
Plan roll out
We continuously fine tune your cash management plan to ensure you reach profitability in the shortest possible timeframe and maintain it for the long term.
Businesses trust Profit Pro's
Businesses need profit to achieve their goals!
The number one challenge facing business owners today is sustainable profit. We’ll help you to make it a reality.
Businesses trust Profit Pro's
Let us help you establish an effective cash management system that, if followed, will guarantee you profits sooner than you think.
Get it right from the start
Accountants Direct can provide the expertise, direction and support that only a profit firm can deliver.

Our service is ideal for
Those struggling with cashflow and wishing to turn their businesses around
Those continually having to take out loans to keep their business afloat.
Those arranging payment plans with the ATO year after year.
Those seeking to reduce or eliminate business and or personal debt.
Those ready to learn more about money management.