Best Tax Deductions to Claim for Butchers and Smallgoods Makers
Butchers and Smallgoods Makers select, cut, trim, prepare and arrange meat for sale and supply, and manage the smallgoods production processes.
Employment Profile
- Average weekly pay: $1,240.85
- Employment size: 14,280
- Future growth: Moderate
- Skill level: Certificate III or IV
Typical tax deductions include:
- Motor vehicle travel to and from work if having either shifting workplaces (working at more than one site each day before returning home) or transporting bulky equipment.
- Motor vehicle travel between job sites, to pick up materials, or for training courses.
- Overseas conferences, courses and study tours – will generally be deductible if they enable the butcher to become more proficient in carrying out their current job and will likely lead to an increase in the income from their current job.
- Computers, knives, tools and equipment.
- Traditional butcher’s uniform.
- Home office running expenses.
- Journals, periodicals and magazines that have a content sufficiently connected to a butcher’s employment.
- Phone and internet – work %.
- Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions.
- Conferences, seminars and training courses to maintain or increase a butcher’s knowledge, ability or skills.
- Self-education expenses connected to the butcher’s current income-earning activities.
- Overnight travel expenses.
Tax Strategies we can assist you with.
- Self-education expenses
- Overseas conferences, courses and study tours
- Computers, tools, equipment and other assets
- Compulsory work uniform
- Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions
- Phone and internet
- Motor vehicle expenses: cents per km method
- Home office running expenses
- Overnight travel expenses
Click here to see Tax Calculator for Butchers and Smallgoods Makers.