Tax Deductions for Journalists

November 1, 2022

Best Tax Deductions to Claim for Journalists

Journalists research and compile news stories, write and edit news reports, commentaries and feature stories for presentation in print and electronic media.

Employment Profile

  • Average weekly pay: $1,749.15
  • Employment size: 24,150
  • Future growth: Decline
  • Skill level: Bachelor Degree or Higher

Typical tax deductions include:

  • Motor vehicle travel to and from work if home is the base of employment.
  • Motor vehicle travel to report on or investigate stories, attend meetings or training courses.
  • Phone and internet – work %.
  • Cost of attending sporting events, gala or social nights, concerts, or other events when required as an employee journalist to report on that event.
  • Overnight travel expenses incurred for research-related travel – includes airfares, accommodation and meals.
  • Payments made to informants provided the payments are authorised by the employer and not reimbursed – includes cash, food, cigarettes, etc
  • Percentage of home occupancy costs if required by the employer to work from home – includes rent, mortgage interest, rates, insurance, etc.
  • Handbags, briefcases, and satchels.
  • Professional seminars, courses, conferences and workshops.
  • Newspapers, magazines, books that relate to researching a topic as an employee journalist.
  • Work-related portion of pay TV access payments if required to access pay TV as part of work.
  • Home office running expenses.
  • Compulsory work uniform branded with the employers logo.
  • Computers, tools and equipment.

Tax Strategies we can assist you with.

  • Self-education expenses
  • Overseas conferences, courses and study tours
  • Computers, tools, equipment and other assets
  • Compulsory work uniform
  • Logbook for motor vehicles
  • Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions
  • Phone and internet
  • Home office running expenses
  • Handbags, briefcases and satchels
  • Overnight travel expenses


Click here to see Tax Calculator for Journalists.