
Best Tax Deductions to Claim for Librarians

Librarians develop, organise and manage library services including collections of information, recreational resources and reader information services.

Employment Profile

  • Average weekly pay: $1,715.80
  • Employment size: 13,125
  • Future growth: Very Strong
  • Skill level: Bachelor Degree or Higher

Typical tax deductions include:

  • Motor vehicle travel between work locations, or for training purposes.
  • Phone and internet – work %.
  • Handbags, briefcases and satchels.
  • Professional seminars, courses, conferences and workshops.
  • Reference books, technical journals and trade magazines related to work.
  • Self-education courses related to the current job.
  • Home office running expenses.
  • Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions.
  • Compulsory work uniform branded with the employers logo.
  • Overnight travel expenses attending different workplaces or for training – includes airfares, meals and accommodation.

Tax Strategies we can assist you with.

  • Self-education expenses
  • Computers, tools, equipment and other assets
  • Compulsory work uniform
  • Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions
  • Phone and internet
  • Motor vehicle expenses: cents per km method
  • Home office running expenses
  • Handbags, briefcases and satchels
  • Overnight travel expenses


Click here to see Tax Calculator for Librarians.


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