Best Tax Deductions to Claim for Printers
Printers set up and operate letterpress, lithographic, flexographic, gravure, newspaper, instant, digital and offset printing presses.
Employment Profile
- Average weekly pay: $1,035
- Employment size: 13,230
- Future growth: Decline
- Skill level: Certificate III or IV
Typical tax deductions include:
- Motor vehicle travel to and from work if having either shifting workplaces (working at more than one site each day before returning home), or transporting bulky equipment.
- Motor vehicle travel between job sites, to pick up materials, or attend training courses.
- Computers, tools and equipment.
- Phone and internet – work %.
- Overnight travel expenses – includes airfares, meals and accommodation.
- Protective clothing including sun-protection, safety-coloured vests, steel-capped boots, gloves, and overalls.
- Overtime meals – if overtime meal allowance received under an industrial award.
- Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions.
- Courses, seminars and self-education expenses.
- Home office running expenses.
- Compulsory work uniform branded with the employers logo.
Tax Strategies we can assist you with.
- Self-education expenses
- Computers, tools, equipment and other assets
- Protective clothing
- Compulsory work uniform
- Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions
- Phone and internet
- Motor vehicle expenses: cents per km method
- Home office running expenses
- Overnight travel expenses
Click here to see Tax Calculator for Printers.