Tax Deductions for Scientists and Science Professionals

Best Tax Deductions to Claim for Scientists and Science Professionals

Scientists perform research, teaching, tests and experiments in chemistry, earth sciences, life sciences, and physical sciences.

Employment Profile

  • Average weekly pay: $1,164.95
  • Employment size: 65,520
  • Future growth: Moderate
  • Skill level: Diploma or Degree

Typical tax deductions include:

  • Travel to and from work for employees with shifting workplaces (who regularly work at more than one site each day before returning home) or transport bulky equipment (normally 20 plus kilos).
  • Travel between job sites, to pick up equipment, or attend training courses.
  • Tools and equipment. Depreciate if costing more than $300 each.
  • Phone, internet and laptop costs.
  • Travel expenses including meals and accommodation expenses incurred when being away from home overnight for work.
  • Protective clothing including fire-resistant, sun-protection clothing, safety-coloured vests, steel-capped boots, gloves, overalls, heavy-duty shirts and trousers, overalls, and wet weather gear.
  • Overtime meals (if overtime meal allowance received under an industrial award).
  • Sun protection costs including sunglasses, hats and sunscreen lotions.
  • Union fees, licences and registrations.
  • Courses, seminars and self-education expenses.
  • Home office running expenses.

Tax Strategies we can assist you with.

  • Self-education expenses
  • Overseas conferences, courses and study tours
  • Sunglasses, sunscreens and cosmetics
  • Computers, tools, equipment and other assets
  • Protective clothing
  • Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions
  • Phone and internet
  • Motor vehicle expenses: cents per km method
  • Home office running expenses
  • Overnight travel expenses


Click here to see Tax Calculator for Scientists and Science Professionals.


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