
Best Tax Deductions to Claim for Solicitors, Barristers and Legal Clerks

Solicitors provide legal advice, prepare and draft legal documents, and conduct negotiations on behalf of clients on matters associated with the law.

Employment Profile

  • Average weekly pay: $2,204.55
  • Employment size: 87,885
  • Future growth: Moderate
  • Skill level: Bachelor Degree or Higher

Typical tax deductions include:

  • Motor vehicle travel visiting clients, attending training, and travel between offices/court.
  • Phone and internet – work %.
  • Supreme Court library fees – annual subscriptions.
  • Computers, tools and equipment – includes wigs worn for appearances in court.
  • Professional indemnity insurance.
  • Handbag, briefcase and satchel.
  • Professional seminars, courses, conferences, and self- education costs.
  • Home office running expenses.
  • Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions.
  • Overseas conferences, courses and study tours.
  • Overnight travel expenses visiting clients, attending different workplaces, or for training purposes – includes airfares, accommodation and meals.

Professional memberships.

Non-deductible expenses:

  • Admission fees to practice law.
  • Club memberships, e.g. golf club – even if this generates client referrals and work.
  • Cost of business lunches, and social events.
  • Client gifts and greeting cards.
  • Legal costs in defending the right to practice.

Tax Strategies we can assist you with.

  • Self-education expenses
  • Overseas conferences, courses and study tours
  • Computers, tools, equipment and other assets
  • Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions
  • Phone and internet
  • Motor vehicle expenses: cents per km method
  • Home office running expenses
  • Handbags, briefcases and satchels
  • Overnight travel expenses


Click here to see Tax Calculator for Solicitors, Barristers and Legal Clerks.


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