
Best Tax Deductions to Claim for Taxi Drivers

Taxi Drivers drive motor cars to transport passengers to destinations.

Employment Profile

  • Average weekly pay: $1,092.50
  • Employment size: 57,645
  • Future growth: Very Strong
  • Skill level: Certificate II or III

Typical tax deductions include:

  • Motor vehicle travel between work sites or for training purposes.
  • Taxi operating costs including interest, lease payments, depreciation, repairs, fuel, cleaning and insurance.
  • Computers, tools and equipment – includes fridge, GPS, and vehicle maintenance tools.
  • Consumables for passengers including drinks, sweets, newspapers, and magazines.
  • Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions.
  • Phone and internet – work %.
  • Medical checkup and drug testing fees.
  • Compulsory work uniform branded with the employers logo.
  • Courses, seminars and self-education expenses.
  • Client gifts brought for work purposes as entitled to receive commission income – includes gift vouchers, bottle of wine, flowers, hamper, etc.
  • Home office running expenses.

Professional memberships.

Non-deductible expenses:

  • Speeding and parking fines.
  • Taxi driving course.

Tax Strategies we can assist you with.

  • Computers, tools, equipment and other assets
  • Compulsory work uniform
  • Logbook for motor vehicles
  • Gifts to clients, suppliers and contractors
  • Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions
  • Phone and internet
  • Home office running expenses


Click here to see Tax Calculator for Taxi Drivers.


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