Money Hands

Crowdfunding is a relatively new way for businesses in Australia to raise capital. It involves using the internet to gather small amounts of money from a large number of people, usually through online platforms. This method of fundraising is becoming increasingly popular among Australian businesses, as it provides an alternative to traditional forms of financing such as bank loans or venture capital. Crowdfunding platforms are set to grow in 2023.

If you’d like more information on how Accountants Direct can help you raise capital through crowdfunding please click here for a free chat.

Or check out our Crowdfunding Accountants webpage here.

Full story below….

Australian history of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding in Australia has been growing in popularity in recent years, with platforms such as Birchal, Equitise and OnMarket becoming increasingly popular among entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to raise funds for their projects. According to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the total amount raised through crowdfunding in Australia in 2015 was around $15 million. Despite a downturn during the pandemic this figure has quickly rose to over $71 million in 2021 with 37,000 people investing. As of 2022 the crowdfunding platforms are reporting that over $150 million has been raised.


One of the main benefits of crowdfunding is that it allows businesses to reach a much wider audience than they would be able to through traditional means. By using online platforms, businesses can connect with potential investors from all over the world, which increases the chances of finding someone who is willing to invest in their business. Furthermore, crowdfunding platforms often have a built-in community of people who are interested in investing in new businesses, which can be a great way for businesses to get their message out there.

Another benefit of crowdfunding is that it is often less risky than other forms of financing. Because businesses are able to raise small amounts of money from many different people, the risk is spread out among a large group of investors. This means that if the business does not succeed, the individual losses will be small, which can make it a more attractive option for people who are hesitant to invest large amounts of money in a single business.

Test the market

Crowdfunding also allows businesses to test the market and gauge interest in their products or services before they commit to a larger investment. This can be especially useful for businesses that are just starting out, as they can use the money they raise through crowdfunding to develop their products or services further and refine their marketing strategy.

Finally, crowdfunding allows businesses to gain visibility, legitimacy and build brand awareness through the process of raising funds. Many platforms offer rewards-based crowdfunding, where backers receive perks, products or services in exchange for their contributions. This helps businesses to build a customer base and foster customer loyalty.

The verdict

Overall, crowdfunding is a valuable tool for Australian businesses looking to raise capital and the platforms are set to grow significantly in 2023. It offers an alternative to traditional forms of financing, allows businesses to reach a wider audience, reduces risk, and allows businesses to test the market and gain visibility. With the right approach and strategy, crowdfunding can be a great way for businesses to raise the money they need to grow and succeed.

We can help

If you are interested in raising capital in this manner to assist the future operations of your business, you should start making plans soon, as the process can take ma y months.

We have over 45 process documents we can provide you with to be successful, and would be very happy to have discussions with you in relation to this exciting project.  Please click here for a no obligation discussion during which we can give you an outline of the services that we are able to provide to you to assist you.


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