Best Tax Deductions to Claim for Teachers and Tutors
Teachers and Tutors educate students of all ages on a wide variety of subjects.
Employment Profile
- Average weekly pay: $1,725
- Employment size: 517,335
- Future growth: Moderate
- Skill level: Bachelor Degree or higher
Typical tax deductions include:
- Motor vehicle travel to and from work if having either shifting workplaces (working at more than one site each day), or transporting bulky school equipment (for example sporting equipment).
- Motor vehicle travel for training purposes, transporting students, or between two separate schools.
- Teaching aids used for work – includes stationary, reference books, and technical journals.
- Computers, tools and equipment.
- Self-education expenses, professional seminars, courses, conferences and workshops – includes overseas travel costs in limited circumstances. Eg history teacher undertaking a 3- month tour of European historical sites.
- Compulsory work uniform branded with the employers logo.
- Phone and internet – work %.
- Home office running expenses.
- Costs incurred taking students on excursions, educational and sporting trips and camps if the trips have an educational benefit and are related to the curriculum or extracurricular activities of the school.
- Overseas conferences, courses and study tours.
- vernight travel expenses attending different workplaces and for training purposes – includes airfares, accommodation and meals.
- Union fees, licences, registration and subscriptions.
- Handbags, briefcases and satchels.
Professional memberships.
Non-deductible expenses:
- Motor vehicle travel when doing minor tasks on the way to work or home, such as picking up the mail. Also, when on call, or working outside normal work hours, or travelling between home and work more than once a day – for example, driving home at the end of the school day and then returning to work to attend a school speech night in the evening.
- Conventional clothing including sports clothes – for example, tracksuits, aerobic shoes, aerobics clothing, etc. (even applies to sports teachers).
- Fitness expenses – even if a physical education teacher.
- Cost of attending staff dinners, school formals and other social functions – if the cost of the ticket provides for food, drink or entertainment.
- Student expenses including teaching aids supplied to students, student gifts, and student meals.
Tax Strategies we can assist you with.
- Self-education expenses
- Overseas conferences, courses and study tours
- Computers, tools, equipment and other assets
- Compulsory work uniform
- Union fees, licences, registrations and subscriptions
- Phone and internet
- Motor vehicle expenses: cents per km method
- Home office running expenses
- Handbags, briefcases and satchels
- Overnight travel expenses
Click here to see Tax Calculator for Teachers and Tutors.