Do you know about unrecovered taxes? Now you can claim them!

March 3, 2021

Want to do the quiz now? 

Want more info? Read on.

Over the last few years, we’ve developed a great new way of resubmitting tax returns and getting an additional tax refund.

It’s called the Bonus Tax Refund Method, and it’s a fresh way of ensuring you claim your whole tax refund, not just a part of it.

Our method can deliver an additional tax refund between several hundred and tens of thousands of dollars in a matter of weeks to qualified applicants. It will improve your tax refunds in future years and insure you against painful ATO audit.

The best part is the Bonus Tax Refund service is a ‘No Win No Fee’ service. We take our fees from your additional refund so you never pay from your own pocket.

This is real and verifiable. Read on.

Does the ATO still have some of your money?

From 2018 to 2019 tax collected from Aussies increased by 6% to almost $560 billion. This was driven by a  $27 billion (8.4%) increase in taxes on income, profits and capital gains, and a $3 billion (7.9%) increase in taxes on property.


Despite this, almost a third of large companies fail to pay tax at all (ABC News Dec 12 2019).

Make no mistake average Aussie workers are paying more than their fair share.

And are they getting what’s rightfully theirs back at tax time? 

Unfortunately, No. 

And why is this? 

Despite what you hear, in general, taxpayers underclaim rather than overclaim on their tax.

And underclaims are a result of poor, inadequate or no tax advice.

The result? 

Billions in tax refunds left on the table every year. 

And by the time you discover you’ve overpaid your tax its often too late to claim it back. 

Stuart’s story.

Stuart from Bendigo was in financial strife. He worked long shifts in his cab to make ends meet but was not getting ahead. Poor tax advice led to him to unknowingly underclaim his deductions and he ended up paying more tax than necessary for 4 years.

Using the Bonus Tax Refund Method, within 2 weeks we had $4890 refunded to Stuarts account when he needed it most. Since then his yearly tax refunds have improved considerably.

We’ve helped many clients like Stuart over the years.

How does it work and how can you get started?

The New Bonus Tax Refund Method guarantees that you will pay the lowest amount of tax under Australian law and that your full refund, if due, will be returned to you fast.

It’s a brand new way of recovering what’s legally yours.

We start with a quick online quiz to determine initial eligibility, then a check of your current situation on the ATO portal.

If things look good we will arrange further Q&A with our experts and we may require you to a little homework. If your case has a good chance of success we will amend and lodge your previous returns and soon after you’ll get your Bonus Refund deposited to your account.

What’s more, we will respond to any ATO queries on your behalf for free and will continue to do so while we represent you.


Every day that goes by reduces the possibility of you being eligible for a Bonus Tax Refund

The ATO allows two years from your last notice of assessment to redo tax returns. So millions in unclaimed refunds become unrecoverable every month.

Whats more, tax laws are constantly changing and the ability to obtain an additional tax refund could be reduced or eliminated at any time.

Don’t let it happen to you.

Will this work in my case?

Unfortunately, the Bonus Tax Refund service won’t work for everyone. 

The easiest way to find out is to  complete the quiz and follow the prompts to set up a free chat.

Even if we can’t assist this time around we are happy to answer your initial tax, finance and accounting related questions at no charge.

The blue collar accountants.

For over a decade our expert team at Accountants Direct have been helping tens of thousands of Aussies recover the tax they are legally entitled to every year.

As you’d expect we are an ATO appointed registered tax agent and accredited accountant. 

But we specialise in the transport and trades industries and our team has an intimate knowledge of the issues you face on the job and in your businesses.

In fact, many of us grew up in trades and transport families.

No Win = No Fee = nothing to lose and everything to gain.

We take our fees from your additional refund so you never pay from your own pocket. 

What do you have to lose except a few minutes of your time?

now to complete the quiz before we run out of time to help you. 

Chat to you soon.